As United Methodists, we share a calling to respond to the love of God by reaching out to those who live in darkness. We see the world as the place where we live out this calling through missions. In our caring and sharing, we bring the light of Christ into the darkness. You are invited to participate in missions through a variety of projects and programs. As you read about the many mission opportunities offered by our church, listen for God’s calling in your life and then join us as we make a difference in the world.
For More information contact Bridgette
Mission Programs
Asbury House Child Enrichment Center is a wonderful ministry born out of our church family. We are proud to continue to participate in this wonderful ministry providing loving care, nurture and education to the children of Longview. We serve as volunteers, readers, leading in chapel, volunteering for yard care, and helping out with fundraisers and other projects. Several of our members also serve on the church board.
This Month's Collection: Drop your items in the welcome areas of the church or the church office.
Society of St Stephen offering goes to support Longview Community Ministry ministries. It is an offering taken at the chancel rail in the Sanctuary on the first Sunday of the month during Holy Communion.
Mission Partnerships
Longview FUMC partners with organizations to provide for those in need; locally and around the globe. Click through to learn more about our partners and how you can participate in each mission opportunity.