Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Mission Statement:

To provide the children of First United Methodist Church of Longview with the tools they need for a lifetime of faith in Jesus Christ, a desire to be obedient to Him, and a love for Him.

And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man. Luke 2:52

If you are interested in the Children's Ministry or have questions, contact the church office.  Email


Wednesday Night Live activities for children ages Pre-K – 3rd grade begin every Wednesday evening from 5:30 – 7:00 from September 11th- December 11th.  We share dinner, fellowship, recreation, along with large and small group experiences. The link provided will allow you to sign up for meals at a cost of $5 and also see what will be ordered. We look forward to seeing you!

Kids Meal Signup


Sunday School is a great time to come together with your peers and learn, fellowship, and grow together in our faith journey. Children will meet in their classrooms in the Children’s Wing on the second floor each Sunday from 9:40 AM - 10:30 AM.


Jesus said, "I am the light of the world" (John 8:12). The presence of the light reminds us of Jesus coming into our world and our lives. The light is carried into the worship service as a symbol of Jesus coming into our presence. Acolytes serve each Sunday and bring this light into the sanctuary and back out into the world. All first through fifth graders are invited to serve as acolytes during the 10:45 Beacon worship service.


A fun evening of fellowship as we welcome fall with our church family and the community - complete with bounce houses for all ages, food, carnival games, a petting zoo, pony rides, and lots of candy and prizes!


The Children's Christmas Eve Service is a beautiful worship opportunity for children of all ages and their families. We invite you to come and learn about our Savior's birth, sing familiar Christmas Hymns, and finish the evening with glow sticks and "Silent Night." Children engage in worship by reading scriptures, leading worship, and lighting the Advent Candles.


Lakeview is offering three sessions of summer camp for the Summer of 2025. Children entering 1st grade through high school graduates may attend. You may choose to attend any week that works best for you! Please register online at Scholarships are available!

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: June 10th,11th, 12th 2025

Each year, our children gather to enjoy an engaging Vacation Bible School experience! The theme this year is "Outer Space". 

Events Check-in

It is among our top priorities at First United Methodist Church to keep your children safe and accounted for. To best ensure this, we will continue utilizing a digital check-in method. It will be mandatory for children ages birth through 3rd grade to be checked in by a parent or guardian at all church events where children are being dropped off.
Nursery workers will help check in your child at the Nursery door. For other children, please check your child in on the second floor in the Children’s Wing for Sunday and Wednesday activities. Two labels will print out at check-in—one label for your child to wear and one label for the parent/guardian. The parent label MUST be presented to the teachers upon pickup.