Adult Ministry

The Adult Ministry at Longview FUMC invites men and women of all ages to participate in any or all of our groups and activities. In all events we hold, we intend to lead the adults of our church in intentional prayer, fellowship, and Bible study so that we may be ideal stewards of the congregation. If you are interested in joining a men’s or women’s group, or would just like more information about this ministry, contact the church office at 903-753-4463.


Mom to Mom is a biblically-based parenting program designed around the Titus 2:4 concept of older women teaching and encouraging younger women in their relationships with their husbands and children. It includes quality instruction and small group discussion. This class is designed to be both a place of nurture for Christian women as well as a safe place to bring friends. Being a mom is hard work, and this group of women provides support, scriptural advice, and a loving place to share the stories of motherhood! Mom-to-mom meets Wednesday evenings at 6:00 PM in the Genesis classroom (313).


United Methodist Women is a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ. Their goal is to develop a creative and supportive fellowship and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of FUMC Longview. UMW is the only organization in our church that is open to ALL women - and is a vital part of FUMC’s Women’s ministry, as they are called upon often to support all areas of the church. All women are invited to attend UMW’s monthly meetings! They meet on the second Tuesday of each month at 9:00 AM in the Faith Center.


Throughout the year, our Women’s Ministry sponsors several different Bible studies. They study a variety of topics ranging from Max Lucado’s “Anxious for Nothing,” to Dr. Sandra Richter’s “Epic of Eden.” These groups meet each Thursday morning. If you are interested in joining a bible study, please contact the church office at 903-753-4463 for more information!


We have several small groups of women that come together weekly and bimonthly in fellowship. Members of each formation group covenant together to support one another in their faith journey. They discuss what God is doing in their lives, where they struggle, how they can encourage each other, and join together in prayer for each member. These groups are not bible studies, but rather a faith journey together. Contact Pastor Debbie if you’d like to join a group!


An intergenerational retreat is offered during the year for women of all ages. Our theme for 2021 was “Treasured: A Jewel in His Crown.” We traveled to the Camp Allen Hotel & Conference Center in Navasota, TX where we had multimedia bible studies, fun times, quiet and meditative times, evening socials with refreshments, worship, music, campfire time, and buffet meals! Details for 2022 will be announced in the Spring!


This men’s group reads a plethora of books from Christian authors and discusses the content and how it applies to each of their lives. These men meet each Tuesday at 5:30 PM in the Answers classroom (room 301).


We have several small groups of men that come together weekly in fellowship to share food, the Bible, faith, life moments, or read through a pre-determined book of study to discuss as they read along! If you’d like to join a small group, contact Pastor Ricky or 903-753-4463.


Throughout the year we invite all men in our congregation to events to casually enjoy fellowship and make some new friends along the way. Some activities we have enjoyed in the past include bowling, Pizza King lunches, lake days, fishing, skeet shooting, and missionary work! Stay tuned to the church calendar for upcoming men’s events and how to register!

E.P.I.C. Ministries

EPIC stands for Experienced People In Christ. Whether its quarterly lunches, day trips, or casual coffee with friends we want our seniors to be active and engaged in the life of the church. Contact Pastor Debbie or the church office for more information about EPIC Ministries at LVFUMC!

Sunday School

FUMC adult Sunday school classes meet at 10:00am each week:

Agape – room 241: The Agape class is a group of adult singles and couples in their 40’s and 50’s with children ranging in age from middle school to college. They choose various Bible studies that focus on spiritual growth and life application.
Prayer Warriors – room 243: The Prayer Warriors class is a group of adult singles and couples. Their curriculum is video-based and includes group discussion. Recent authors include Priscilla Shirer, Angela Thomas, and Beth Moore. As implied by the name of the class, they maintain a strong emphasis on living a life of prayer.
Alpha Omega – room 247: The Alpha Omega class is a group of adult singles and couples. Their curriculum features both lecture and discussion.
Henry Foster – room 253: The Henry Foster class has long used the "Adult Bible Series"; for study materials but is now using the "Wesley Bible Curriculum" with future study to be determined by the preference of members.  Lessons feature both lecture and discussion.  This class is fortunate to have a large group of teachers who teach one, two, or three times during a four-month period.  The class makes quarterly contributions to Newgate Ministries, Asbury House, and Heartisans Marketplace.  Henry Foster members enjoy one or two social events each year.  Members range in age from 60s through 90s and welcome any who would choose to visit or join the class.  
Beacon – room 255: The Beacon class is a group of single adults and couples ages 50+. Their curriculum is usually video based with group discussion. They enjoy period fellowship opportunities and offer volunteer support for FUMC programs and local mission projects such as Pancakes with Santa and Newgate Mission.
Grace Lowry- room 257: The Grace Lowry class is a group of single adults and couples. There are 8 rotating teachers. The class decides what they will study as a group. They have done the Wesley Series and studies by Adam Hamilton in the past. There is a ladies’ luncheon each month on the first Tuesday.
Genesis – room 313: The Genesis class is a group of “empty nester” adults who are active across the breadth of church programs and mission projects. The class sponsors Sock Tree each Christmas for the benefit of Asbury House/Methodist Home. A group of leaders rotate to facilitate the discussion of video driven studies by authors such as Max Lucado, Adam Hamilton, and others.
Flight – room 302: The Flight class is a group of couples ranging in age from 35 to 55 with children ranging in age from 4 years to college age. A group of rotating teachers facilitate video driven studies of books of the Bible. They plan 2 luncheons per semester for the members of the class and their families. They also plan a summer kick-off party and a class Christmas party.
New Beginnings – room 302/303: The New Beginnings class is a group of adult singles and couples of retirement age. Rotating leaders facilitate group discussions on DVD based studies by popular authors such as Adam Hamilton, Max Lucado, Andy Stanley and others. The class actively participates in and financially supports FUMC and community projects.
Answers – room 301: The Answers class is a group of young couples between the ages of 20’s to 40’s. Rev. David Lee and his wife Beth facilitate the Bible study and class discussions. They enjoy planning class parties, occasional social gatherings, and class mission projects.
Journey – room 300: The Journey class is a group of adult singles and couples. They utilize curriculum by various authors including Mike Slaughter’s “A Different Kind of Christmas,” “The Visual Bible,” and a study of the “I Am” statements of Jesus.
Common Ground – room 332: The Common Ground class is FUMC’s newest adult Sunday school class. Their first class will meet on Sunday, January 8, 2023. They are a group of adult couples with school aged children and are actively involved in the life of the church. Members volunteer with children’s ministry, youth ministry, Terrific Tuesday, and Newgate Mission.